Feeling Dreamy…

Mama Needs Blog


I’m so excited to bring you our January theme. First, I have to preface it with a story:

I’ll never forget someone asking me about 8 years ago what my DREAM was; I didn’t have an answer. I had no idea because I was absolutely overwhelmed with being a Mama of young children and working full-time outside of the home.

I remember crying later, realizing how sad is it that I couldn’t answer her question? Who doesn’t have a dream? I was drowning and needed a life raft to get my head above water.

The life raft was CHANGE. Changing my lifestyle, my schedule and saying no. My life raft was also self-care. By taking the time to care for myself, I was overwhelmed less and serving my family from the overflow.

When I finally stopped drowning, that’s when I realized my dream: to start my own business that makes a difference in Mamas and families’ lives. 

What’s your dream? It’s OK if you don’t know yet. This month’s box will help with that!

Our January “Mama Needs to Dream” box will feature “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. A New York Times Bestseller, this book has helped so many get past fear and live their life and pursue their passions!

There will be several more things inside this January “dream” box to help inspire and make your dream come to life!

Our January box is for sale between December 1 – 31 and will ship on January 4! This still makes a great Christmas gift and you can print out a certificate for your recipient letting them know their box is coming soon!

owner Jenn
hello_ I’m Jenn_

I’m on a mission to help Mamas understand the need for self-care and give them the tools and inspiration to prioritize it.

past boxes

Get an idea of what our boxes have inside!