New Year, New Theme!

Mama Needs Blog


Let’s face it: our gal pals are irreplaceable, am I right? Our friends know just when to make us laugh, are there when we need a good cry and ready to drop everything and help when we’re drowning.

Well, we are choosing to celebrate friendship and GAL-entine’s Day with our February box! With “Mama Needs Friendship”, you’ll have to the chance to use the products inside to connect with your girlfriends!

PLUS, when you buy a February box for yourself, you’ll get a code for 15% off to send one to your gal pal – that way you can BOTH use the box together or apart! *Details below*

Our February box is for sale between January 1 – 31 and will ship on February 4!

*After you buy a box, forward your receipt to info@mamaneedsbox.com and we will send you the discount code!

owner Jenn
hello_ I’m Jenn_

I’m on a mission to help Mamas understand the need for self-care and give them the tools and inspiration to prioritize it.

past boxes

Get an idea of what our boxes have inside!