Take yourself out.

Mama Needs Blog

Yep! Take yourself out, Mama.

Do you ever go out alone? Impossible, right? NOPE!

Here are some pretty easy and cheap ways to get out of the house and have a quiet moment!

  1. Schedule it. It won’t happen till you make it happen, Mama. Get it on your calendar and unless someone is sick/bleeding/dying, stick to it! Having something to look forward to on your calendar is huge motivation.
  2. Hire a babysitter. Text your most reliable babysitter and ask if she can come over for 2 hours. That’s enough time for your kids to nap or watch a movie!
  3. Swap kids with your friends. She watches yours while you go out and next time you watch hers while she goes out!
  4. Ask a family member or your spouse to watch your kids. This is easy – just ask. And like I always say, it is not weak to ask for help!
  5. Do something that fills you up! Go to your favorite coffee shop, go to the library, take a walk outside, exercise, take a nap, go get a mani/pedi… the point is to do something that will fill your tank instead of drain it!
    Take the steps to do it this week! Whatever you need to do, make it a priority.

I would LOVE to know where you take yourself! Please tag me @mamaneedsbox on insta or fb when you go!

owner Jenn
hello_ I’m Jenn_

I’m on a mission to help Mamas understand the need for self-care and give them the tools and inspiration to prioritize it.

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